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A CloudStorageFileStat is returned by the CloudStorage.stat() method and contains several statistics about the file.


The CloudStorageFileStat object has the following properties:

  • size (number): The filesize in bytes. If no size could be determined, this is 0.
  • birthtimeMs (number): The timestamp in milliseconds indicating the creation time of the file.
  • mtimeMs (number): The timestamp in milliseconds indicating the time of the last modification of the file.
  • birthtime (Date): A date object created from birthtimeMs.
  • mtime (Date): A date object created from mtimeMs.
  • isDirectory() (() => boolean): A function that returns a boolean determining whether or not this is a directory.
  • isFile() (() => boolean): A function that returns a boolean determining whether or not this is a file.